Sunday, January 1, 2012

What a blessed year 2011 brought to us!

Well 2011 has been an AMAZING year for the McGarry family! Here is our top 11 things that happen to us! 1.March 18th Brandon and I got sealed for all time and eternity. 2.Moved to Rexburg from Rigby, it's great to be back! 3.March 23rd Krew Roy McGarry was born. 4.Brandon and I got new jobs that we love. 5.Moved into a HOUSE!! 6.Krew got his first two teeth on Christmas. 7.Financially really blessed! 8.I was blessed with a blue eyed, blonde hair baby (First McGarry grandkid out of 12 with blue eyes!) 9.Brandon got a truck. 10.Krew said "Dad" first. 11.We found out that baby #2 will arrive in July!! 2011 was a good year to us, excited to see what 2012 will bring!